Information Officer, PMO
Minister Baboucarr O. Joof
Minister Baboucarr O. Joof was speaking on Friday during the official closing of a two-day ‘Planning Retreat’ at Sindola Hotel in Kanilai of West Coast Region (WCR). The retreat was held to look at the new ministry’s work-plans for both 2022 and 2023 respectively.
He urged his ministry’s senior staff to lead the standardization process with understanding adding that all what they discussed during Kanilai retreat needs to see happen in the ministry come next fortnight.
“We need to identify experts among us to come up with some team development work because these are leadership tools we need at this moment like collaborative leadership, service leadership, authentic leadership among others,” Hon. Joof gave advise.
Public Service Minister reiterated that it is important that they do come together occasionally to discuss the way forward for the ministry while expressing his happiness for agreeing to go out in near future to look at Performance Management System.
He said that it has always been dream “to change trajectory, to change our image, to change our impact and to change the perspective of the civil service in the eyes of the communities and public.”
“It will not be fair to maintain PMO and DSPD as they were before if we want change, and I am convinced from this retreat here that we need a new framework to deliver these mandates than maintaining the status quo,” Minister Joof concludes.
During the retreat, Senior Management Team dilated on the following topics: structure of the new ministry, staff compliment for the ministry, presentations on the delivery and on policy analysis mandates of the ministry, reviewed of various Unit’s work plan from September to December 2022, presentation on inspectorate/Monitoring, completion of the Program-Based Budget(PBB) 2023 and presentation on Commitment For Results (CFR) and Performance Management System (PMS).