Farmers in CRR were expecting a bumper harvest this year after the rainy season. However, most of them are disappointed. Although some farmers in some areas were lucky to make bumper harvest, many described their harvest as below expectation.
According to Yahya Mbakeh, a native of Koli Kunda, this year’s harvest for coos was below expectation within his area.
Farmers in communities in Nianija and Saloum also narrated the same sentiments, saying that what was expected is not what they have had. .
Asked why they did not cultivate rice this year, farmers said lack of tractors to plough their fields on time forced them not to.
Bush Town, Dobo, Tankong Kunda, Kunting, Banni, Koli Kunda and other villages in the Sami District did not cultivate rice this year because of lack of tractors on time.
According to them, they always prepared their seedlings but before tractors came to plough their rice fields, it was already late.