The initiative helps City Mayors to advance leadership through research and resources for City leaders to expand their problem solving capability, build effective City Hall organisations, and improve outcomes for residents around the world.
The Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative is the flagship program of the Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University. It equips mayors and senior city officials to tackle complex challenges in their cities and improve the quality of life of their residents.
Mayor Lowe also stated that “this transforming journey” has greatly improved her leadership abilities.
“Looking back on my first year in office in 2018, the road was not without difficulties,” she said, adding: “However, I have made significant growth in numerous aspects of leadership, such as communication, attentive listening, and effective decision-making, over time.”
Mayor Lowe further extends her gratitude to REFELA, Bloomberg Harvard, and the Banjul City Council for their essential guidance and mentorship during her trip.