The defendant was ordered to ensure that the plaintiff, Ebrima Sillah, takes possession of a land he bought, specifically plot No. 56, situated at Mamuda, without interference. The defendant was restrained by themselves or their agents from interfering with the said land. Damages of D15,000 was awarded to the plaintiff.
In his testimony, the plaintiff told the court that one Mansour Jobe, who works at the National Human Rights Office as Director of Legal and Investigation, introduced him to the defendant company, Leigh Properties Plus Estate Agent.
He further stated that he bought four plots from them situated at Mamuda. He asserted that Mamour Jobe took him to the said plots. “After visiting the plots, I told him that I will be interested to buy a plot of land from them. Since he is my close friend, I did not have any doubt. I went with him to the defendant’s office at Coastal Road high way,” he recalled.
He said that on his arrival, Mansour Jobe introduced him to them. He added that he expressed his interest in a plot of land situated at Sanyang. Mr. Sillah further narrated that they took out a flyer for him to select the plot he wanted. During the selection, he testified, Mansour told him to choose the plot he preferred. He went on to say that the plot he wanted was plot 56 which he accepted.
He adduced that he requested that he should visit the site. When he went with them for site visit for the second time, he stated, he realised that there was a shape of a gate being erected behind the land allocated to him. He said he told them he could not accept possession in that manner because the gate shape indicated that someone was tampering with the said land.
“I got immediate response from the company agent with whom I went for site visit that the erection was done by the owner of the land, a woman. I insisted that this situation should be regularised. I have waited for two years but to no avail. One day, I was with Mansour Jobe in his car and he informed me that the land has been sold. I have receipts of payment, transfer of ownership and a picture of a shape-like gate and the gate itself,” he told the court.
A document from the office of the Honourable Sheriff dated 19th September, 2024, indicated that possession of a freehold property plot number 56 situated at Sanyang village, Kombo South district, West Coast Region, has been given to the plaintiff, Mr. Ebrima Sillah, as court order.
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