
Kandeh calls on Gambians to take back their country

Mar 8, 2021, 12:50 PM | Article By: Adama Tine back from Farafenni

Newly re-elected party leader and secretary general of The Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC), Hon. Mamma Kandeh has called on Gambians to take back their country to be free from man-made uncertainty that Gambians are facing.

Kandeh was speaking at GDC’s second congress held on Saturday in the North Bank Town of Farafenni.

“We are telling Gambians, and will continue to tell them in a loud voice, get up off your knees, make your country great again, take control.” he said.

The Gambia, he observed, continues to face unprecedented challenges rooted in bad governance, corruption as well as continued marginalisation of the masses, especially women and young people from the national scheme of events.

He further said that GDC being the people’s party, is known for striking the right chord of dignity for the masses, which he said, is the reason why it has become the people’s choice.

“People have a need for certainty, order, harmony and understanding of the world around them. I deeply believe that, only those who want and are able to give people a feeling of safety and security, preserving at the same time their freedoms and rights, have a mandate to run for power and under no circumstances can Gambian people give away the sphere of security and order to political manipulators and self-center political hustlers, who lead people to believe that freedom cannot be reconciled with social and economic security.” he affirmed.

Kandeh indicated that one of the greatest threats Gambians are facing now is the lack of emotions on the part of the current leadership and political will to better citizens’ lives.

“We may have our differences in many areas. However, our success as a people will depend on the extent to which we are able to dialogue, discuss issues and find common grounds in solving our national problems” he stated.

Meanwhile, the new the executive list of GDC is:

  1. Hon. Mamma Kandeh - Secretary General and Party Leader
  2. Aunty Tina Faal - Deputy Party Leader
  3. Ahmadou M.H. Kah - Deputy Party Leader 2
  4. Henry M Jawo - Honorary Party President 
  5. Samba Baldeh - Senior Admin Secretary 
  6. Hon. Ebrima Nyanja - Admin Secretary 1
  7. Hon. Momodou Mboob - Admin Secretary 2
  8. Hon. Omar Ceesay - Spokesperson 
  9. Hamidou Jallow - Deputy Spokesperson 2 
  10. Modou Cham (MC Cham) National Youth President 
  11. Hon. Papa Tunkara - Deputy National Youth President.