This promise came after hundreds of victims and sympatises marched on the street of Kairaba Avenue to demand justice and remind government about the Never Again to human rights violations in the country.
In a statement, the ministry explained through the transitional justice programme, that the government established the Truth, Reconciliation & Reparations Commission (TRRC) after an unprecedented nationwide consultation and has fully resourced it with over D200 million since its inception to date. The statement continued that between the months of August 2021 and now, government has allocated an additional D13 million to assist the TRRC to complete its report.
“With regard to the victims of human rights violations, government in 2019 made an initial disbursement of D50 million to the TRRC for initial payment of reparations to victims. Currently, the Ministry of Justice and the Victims Centre are jointly setting up a victims-led taskforce for the drafting of legislation to set up a Victims Compensation Fund to succeed the TRRC Reparations Committee. The government of The Gambia has already committed over D150 Million in the draft 2022 Budget Estimates, to be utilized as part of the reparations fund.”
The release continued that the Ministry of Justice is also working with the UN and other multilateral and bilateral partners on securing additional funds for the post-TRRC activities which includes finding the best route to achieving justice for the victims.
“All the above and many other undertakings by the government are done in good faith and are sufficient demonstration of the commitment of this government to the principles and objectives of the TRRC. Therefore, comments about government’s lack of commitment to implement the recommendations of the TRRC upon submission of its report are at best premature and speculative.”