
Justice Minister describes Solo as man who “stood against dictatorship”

Jan 11, 2023, 12:39 PM | Article By: Jankey Ceesay

Hon. Dawda Jallow, the minister for Justice speaking at the official funeral and tribute service of late Ebrima Solo Sandeng, described him as a man who “stood against dictatorship.”

“A man who paid ultimate price in fighting for the cause he genuinely believed in. He has left an indelible mark in the political history of this country.” the Minister said.

Solo Sandeng led a peaceful protest for electoral reforms in April 2016 and was arrested but died in detention after his arrest by agents of the defunct National Intelligence Agency (NIA).

His remains were exhumed in March 2017. Saikou Omar Jeng, the director of Operations at the NIA led the police to Solo’s grave at Tanji village in the West Coast Region. 

The State yesterday held a funeral service at the Never Again Arch, formerly July 22nd Arch. 

The funeral commenced with a procession from the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital Mortuary to the Never Again Arch led by The Gambia Police Band and a tribute service held in his honour.  

This followed the display of the coffin of Mr. Sandeng for public view. 

“Solo was committed to making a difference in people’s lives. He volunteered his services to the development of the community and the nation at large,” Justice Minister said. 

“It’s indeed heartwarming for Solo Sandeng’s family and the country that we have attained justice for him.” 

“We wish to reiterate that his legacy will continue to live on in the history of our democratic transition as a nation.” 

"Six years after his martyrdom, a grateful nation joins his family today not only to mourn his tragic loss and pray for his soul to rest in eternal peace and Allah grant him Jannatul Firdaus but also to celebrate his well lived life, said UDP leader Ousainu Darboe, who delivered an eulogy at the service. 

"To those of us who knew and worked with Solo in the long drawn out battle to defeat the brutal regime of Yahya Jammeh, his memory is etched into our hearts for the rest of our lives."  

 "Solo was an ordinary citizen who achieved an extraordinary outcome for our nation through selfless devotion to the principles he believed in." 

Those principles were anchored in his strong belief that democracy was the best form of self government for all who valued freedom." 

“Solo Sandeng epitomises a national hero for Gambians. And for us as his children and his wife, he was a father who dearly loved us and who would not have done anything to lose us,” Muhammed Sandeng, the eldest son said at the funeral service.

“We lost our beloved father, our breadwinner, our consoler and our source of inspiration and of course a role model.”