The event is aimed at identifying the obstacles and challenges children and women normally encounter while trying to access justice, or when in conflict with the law, and to also look for ways in which a better justice system is ensured for people, in particular women and children.
The Chief Justice, Hassan B. Jallow was among those present. Also present were the Flag President, Ms. Anna Njie, and Fatou Bensouda, former chier prosecutor of the ICC. The beneficiaries of the discussion included adjudicators of the High and magistrate courts around the country.
Gordon Jonathan Lewis, UNICEF Representative to The Gambia, expressed appreciation of the judicial initiative for the fact that it is about women and children, who really urged to be given priority for their vulnerability.
Chief Justice Hassan B. Bah also expressed optimism over the outcome of the conference. He commended the association of the female lawyers, assuring the judiciary’s commitment to strive towards a deeper collaboration for national good.
Chief Justice Jallow informed the gathering about the establishment of three children’s courts and that the judiciary is working to establish others to ensure nationwide presence.
UNICEF was keenly thanked by the chief justice for their support in the process of establishing and operating of these courts.