When the case was called, the prosecuting officer, Nuha Bojang, applied to tender photographs of Journalist Ceesay’s swollen face which were mentioned in his testimony. Demba Jobe objected to the tendering of the photos. He said he did not beat Journalist Ceesay. The second accused person, Alieu Ceesay, did not object to the tendering of the photos but stated that he had nothing to say. The photos were subsequently admitted in evidence. The presiding magistrate then posited that their weight would be determined at the end of the case.
Under cross-examaination, Demba Jobe put it to Ceesay that he told the court in his evidence that he bought his necklace for $235 and again said that he bought it for D7,000. Journalist Ceesay replied that he said in his testimony that he bought the necklace for 235 Euros; its equivalence at the time was D7,000.
It was put again to Journalist Ceesay that he claimed that he bought his bangle for D1,500 and said later that he bought it for D1,800. Ceesay told the court that he said in his evidence that he bought it for D1,800 and not D1,500.
“You told the police that you are a journalist and asked them to help you,” Demba Jobe put it to him.
“That is not true. They went through my documents and realised that I am a journalist,” Ceesay replied.
“You never wrote a statement at the police,” Demba Jobe challenged him.
“I wrote my statement at the police,” said Ceesay.
When it was the turn of Alieu Ceesay to cross-examine Journalist Ceesay, he put it to him that he asked the police to help him because he is a journalist and would give them D2,500, but Ceesay denied that.
“It is your evidence that I stood aside while you were fighting with Demba Jobe,” Alieu Ceesay challenged Journalist Ceesay.
“That is not correct. I said I saw you when you came to where Demba Jobe and I were detained and you got arrested by the police,” Journalist Ceesay replied.
“You mentioned in your evidence that I wanted to stab you,” it was put to Ceesay.
“I said before the court that you met me and Demba Jobe and said that I was lucky that I was not stabbed by you,” responded Journalist Ceesay.
“I put it to you that you did not write your statement at the police,” stated Alieu Ceesay.
“That is wrong. I said in my evidence that I wrote my statement. It is in the record,” answered Ceesay.
“You asked my boss to bribe you with D2,500 to drop the case,” it was put to Ceesay.
“It is not true. I never asked your boss to bribe me to drop the case,” complainant Ceesay replied.
At this juncture, the matter was adjourned for the prosecuting officer, Nuha Bojang, to call his second witness, who is a police officer.