
IPC calls for adherence to Code of Conduct

Jun 24, 2024, 11:22 AM

The Inter-Party Committee of The Gambia (IPC) has expressed deep concern about the rising instances of political bitter exchanges and the use of inflammatory and defamatory language by political parties and their members as we approach the next electoral cycle.

The committee has therefore called for adherence of its Code of Conduct.

According to the Committee, the actions not only undermine the principles of democratic engagement but also pose a serious threat to the peace and stability that our nation has worked hard to maintain.

“All political parties must uphold the fundamental principles outlined in IPC Code of Conduct and the guidelines set forth by the Elections Act. These important documents serve as the basis of fair, transparent and peaceful elections,” it said.

It therefore called on all political leaders to set an example by promoting a culture of civility and respect in their public statements and interactions.

“Furthermore, we urge the media to play a proactive role in curbing the spread of inflammatory and defamatory content. The media has a crucial role in shaping public discourse and must exercise its power responsibly by avoiding sensationalism and ensuring balanced reporting,” it urged.

“As we move towards what is expected to be a highly contested electoral cycle, it is more important than ever for all stakeholders to prioritise the peace and unity of our nation,” it further said, adding that it will continue to engage with political parties, civil society organiszations, and other relevant stakeholders, including the United Nations, to promote peaceful and respectful political engagement.

“We call on all Gambians to reject divisive rhetoric and to work together to ensure that the upcoming elections are free, fair, and peaceful. The future of our democracy depends on our collective commitment to these principles,” it also said.

It also reminded all political parties of their obligation and national duty to refrain from actions that undermine the sanctity of the democratic process enshrined in the IPC code of conduct that all parties have subscribed to.

Meanwhile, key provisions of IPC code of conduct include:

  • Avoiding use of inflammatory and defamatory language. Public statements should focus on policies, constructive criticism, and respectful dialogue.
  • Refrain from threats or incitement of violence: Political parties must not threaten or incite violence in any form against individuals or groups. All political activities should promote peace and security.
  • Campaign against violence and public disorder: Political parties must actively campaign against violence, vandalism, and public disorder. Any acts of violence or vandalism by officials, candidates, members, or supporters must be condemned and reported to IPC.
  • Respect for Competing Parties, Persons, and Properties: Political parties must respect other competing parties, their candidates, supporters, and property. All forms of harassment, intimidation, and destruction of property are strictly prohibited.

According to the IPC, it is unwavering in its commitment to uphold and enforce the provisions of its Code of Conduct, to which all political parties have pledged adherence.

It also said that it will rigorously monitor the activities and rhetoric of political parties, ensuring compliance with standards that promote respect, non-violence, and constructive dialogue.

“Let us remember that our strength as a nation lies in our unity, diversity, and mutual respect. The IPC stands ready to support any efforts that promote these values and contribute to a more inclusive and peaceful electoral process,” it concluded.