
Iconic Mauritanian scholar visits Imam Ratib of Banjul

Mar 16, 2021, 11:39 AM | Article By: Pa Modou Cham

His highness Sheikh Mohamed El Havedh Ennahoui, a well-known scholar within Africa and beyond yesterday visited the Imam Ratib of Banjul, Alhagie Cherno Alieu Mass Kah and had discussed about Islam and the continued peaceful bilateral relationship between The Gambia and Mauritania.

Havedt’s father, Shaikh Mohamedou Ennahoui was a much known scholar and spiritual figure who contributed to a great deed in serving the Muslim communities in Mauritania, Africa and the world.

Imam Ratib Alhagie Cherno Mass Kah hinted the unity of Muslims in the country, saying they are working with the Islamic Supreme Council in many issues regarding the welfare of Muslims. He gave short lectures on how a good worshipper should behave and the important work of Sheikh Ebrima Niass.

“It is with great pleasure receiving the great grandson of the prophet who has contributed a lot in the teaching of Islam within the sub region and the world at large.”

For his part, Sheikh Mohamed El Havedh Ennahoui, pointed out that upon seeing the faces of Imam Ratib and other Imams, it made him he idealised the nature of gatherings of the Prophet (PBUH). He added that he had seen an exemplary behaviuor demonstrated by these imams.

“I learnt from my father to love Gambia and that’s why I am not lonely in this journey. Sheikh Ebrima Niass once told me that I should come to Gambia because he has seen that the Gambia can benefit a lot from me. I think the Gambian people will witness my visit here and make some impact.”

He said the reason for his visit is for the sake of Allah and request for prayers to help each other in the God-fearing journey.                                                                                                                                         

The coordinator and the Bilal of King Fahadh Mosque, Bai Sainey, welcomed the Sheikh, saying his work and the work of Imam Ratib is the same. He added that Imam’s contribution to the Tijania brotherhood is impressive.

“The Sheikh worth welcoming because he is a grandson of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Sheikh’s father had been known in Gambia and many places in the mission of sharing the teachings of the Prophet.”

He added that the Sheikh’s father had worked so hard on the relationship between Gambia and Senegal, in which he said have opened the doors for comfortability to every Mauritanian in the country.

Imam Muntaha Faye described the long existing relationship between Shaikh Mohamedou Ennahoui and his father as excellent.

“His father used to visit my father and he always chatted with me. He was a great man and was blessed to be the first Mauritanian to follow Sheikh Ebrima Niass of Senegal.”

He expressed delight while saying that the Sheikh has followed the footsteps of his father in continuing to play his role in the Tijania brotherhood.

Imam Alhagie Ousman Jah also thanked the Sheikh for the visit and expressed joy for meeting with Prophet Muhammad’s grandson.

“The Prophet had said that there will be a time where people think his blood is no more in the world but also indicated that his blood will ever be in this world till the end of life.”