Speaking to The Point exclusively, Hon. Ceesay said: “I am very confident that the people of Serekunda West will definitely re-elect me. I was elected five years ago and I was able to deliver better representation and I am banking on that for them to re-elect me. And I am sure that would happen.”
Hon. Ceesay is in a tight political race with National People’s Party (NPP), People’s Democratic Organisation for Independent Socialism (PDOIS), Citizen Alliance (CA) and, Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC).
But the incumbent maintained that he will sweep the polls on April 9.
Ceesay said, his principal concern is to address major concerns of Serekunda West such as the poor feeder roads, lack of major health centre and a lack of senior secondary school.
“The feeder roads in Serekunda West are in poor condition and getting to the high way is a problem; and secondly there is no single senior secondary school in the constituency. In health wise, we have no access to healthcare facility other than the Serekunda General Hospital.”
However, Hon. Ceesay, who served the constituency for the past five years, said if re-elected, he would advocate for people of the constituency to get better feeder roads, major health centre and a senior school to ensure better living standard of residents.
The journalist turned politician said if returned to parliament, he would push Rent Act of 2010 to regularise the rental fees. He added that he would advocate a legislature that can stabilise rent in the country.
However, Hon. Ceesay made it categorically clear that he cannot bring development to constituency personally but would advocate for road construction, provision for a major health facility, senior school and other needs for the constituency.
“Government takes loans and grants on behalf of the citizens and government uses these resources in the form of development. So, I will advocate for government to build good roads, schools and a health facility for us,” he said.
Revealing his success stories in the past years, he said when he was elected in 2017, he had been advocating for the development of the Bakoteh dumpsite in order to save nearby residents from unbearable odor.
This, he said led the Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC) to fence the dumpsite.
He added that through his advocacy, KMC has dug the Bakoteh stream and now stemmed the flow of water to residents’ homes.
Hon. Ceesay further called on all electorate of Serekunda West Constituency to come in large numbers to cast their votes for him and turn their attention against what he called “NPP’s usual propaganda.”