The Global Youth Innovation Network (GYIN) Gambia Chapter on Monday 1 June, 2020 commence a five-day online training for thirty (30) rural youths on record keeping and business taxation payments.
The online training, which targets rural youth with registered businesses, is geared towards exposing them to digital learning and to enable them to digitise their businesses.
The training is funded by the Entrepreneurship Private Sector Development Project (EPSD) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and managed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment (MoTIE).
With technical coordination and support by the International Trade Center (ITC) / Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) and the National Youth Council (NYC), the training is designed to equip participants on the importance of ‘Business Records Keeping’ and ‘Payments of Taxes’.
The main aim of the training is to curb irregular migration and create more rural enterprises and enhance employability for rural youths.
The training forms part of recommendations from participants of the GYIN Gambia’s Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Information Technology (ELIT) National Youth Summer Camp held in September 2019.
This training will equip participants to know their turn-over and understand their tax obligations.
Resources like videos and slides from the training will be provided to participants via the GYIN Gambia WhatsApp and YouTube platforms.