
Gov’t justifies deletion of teacher, health service commissions in 2024 draft

Sep 18, 2024, 10:45 AM | Article By: Fatou Dem

In its explanatory notes, the government has justified that the deletion of the Teacher Service Commission and the Health Service Commission was a strategic and prudent move, given the proliferation of new commissions and agencies. 

The note indicated that the substantial financial burden associated with maintaining numerous commissions cannot be ignored. “Each commission requires staffing, administrative support, office space, and operational budgets, all of which siphon off funds that could be better utilized in direct public service delivery,” the note explained. 

It added that specialised sector commissions, while well-intentioned, can lead to overlapping functions and diffuse accountability, stating that a centralised Public Service Commission along with the newly created ministry dedicated to public service reform could better coordinate and integrate efforts, ensuring that policies and initiatives are both coherent and thoroughly aligned with national priorities.

By consolidating these functions within a single

Commission, the government said a significant cost savings could be achieved. “These savings can, in turn, be reinvested in critical areas such as education and healthcare, which directly benefit the populace,” the note highlighted 

In addition: “The establishment of a Public Service Ministry provides a centralised mechanism to address inefficiencies and bureaucratic red tape, fostering a culture of accountability and performance. The reforms being initiated by this ministry can include modernizing public service processes, incorporating technology, and enhancing service provision models, which will ultimately lead to a more responsive and agile public service.”