n a surprise press release this early morning, Mr Ebrahima Sankare the government spokesperson, announced an alleged plot to topple the democratically elected government of president Adama Barrow.
If true, this will be a very regrettable occurrence, coming as it were, only a few years after Gambians sacrificed so much sweat and blood to liberate themselves from the brutal dictatorship of Yahya Jammeh.
The Gambia For All party strongly believes in the democratic process and therefore, strongly condemns any attempts to seize power by undemocratic means. At a time when the country is struggling to entrench democratic institutions, this couldn't have come at a worse time. GFA states categorically that there can never be a justification for an armed takeover of power from a democratically elected government. Gambians have witnessed the brutality and terror, humiliation and rights abuses, including extra judicial killings by the military regime of Yahya Jammeh.
Military rule in Africa has been and continues to be a curse and setback for national development. The military has an important part to play in our country but, their role is as guarantor of our common security. That is what they should fulfill per their oath of allegiance to the Republic of The Gambia, no more and no less.
It is true that GFA has for a long time lamented the democratic backsliding of the Barrow administration. His embrace of former Jammeh enablers, giving them leadership positions over our hard fought democratic institutions, is seen as an affront and a betrayal to all the brave men and women who fought tirelessly against tyranny, with some making the ultimate sacrifice. That notwithstanding, we urge our brave men and women in uniform to embrace democracy, this being the surest way to achieve national prosperity and collective advancement.
This alleged threat to our young democracy is a wake-up call for the government to take resolute measures in implementing the Security Sector Reforms. This is extremely important for our collective security and of course, our national development.
Additionally, for democracy to take root, it must have strong institutions. The Barrow government for apparent self-serving reasons, decided not to implement the very popular and well drafted revised constitution, that would have guaranteed the types of strong institutions that are needed for a proper functioning democracy. GFA party, therefore demands the Barrow government to reintroduce the shelved draft constitution to give our country the fundamental structures and pillars it needs and deserves for a better and prosperous society whose members will all feel that they have a stake in the well being of our country.
It goes without saying, that it is imperative for the government to conduct a thorough, credible, and transparent inquiry to shed light on this alleged incident. The Executive must come out and assure the public that due process will be followed in all its undertakings, ensuring that no citizen will be subjected to extra judicial processes for reasons of expediency and convenience.
GFA wishes to ally itself with all the democratic forces in our country in fighting against all forms of dictatorship and any misguided attempts for a military coup.
Long live The Gambia our homeland.
GFA communications
Ma-Jonka House
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