The defected militants included 122 females and 109 males from Sabah Sanjal and over 56 people from Kembujeh Kuta Jumbulo.
Chairman of the delegation from Kembujeh Kuto Jumbulo, Sulayman Marena, disclosed that they have been working with Mamma Kandeh for a long time and benefited a lot from him. He added that they benefited even more than during the former and present governments.
He added that GDC dug a borehole in their “Kabilo” which alone he said is a commitment by a GDC government in waiting.
“We are going to support Mamma Kandeh in the upcoming presidential elections to win and I can confirm that our votes will go to him alone,” he revealed.
He also added that their Kabilo consists of more than 1000 people who they would mobilise to switch allegiance to The Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC).
In a related development, Hon. Musa Njie, the national mobiliser and Ablie Cham also switched from NPP to GDC in front of thousands of GDC supporters at the congress. According to them, it was a mistake leaving the party but they are back and willing to work with GDC to achieve victory in the upcoming presidential elections.