
GCAA to increase flight passenger charges

Jan 27, 2023, 12:02 PM | Article By: Ali Jaw

The Gambia Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has announced that it will be increasing Passenger Service Charge (PSC), Security Charges and also introduce a Passenger Safety Levy.

The Authority said it arrived at the decision to revise the passenger charges at the Banjul International Airport, after a consultative meeting held with stakeholders.

“The Passenger Service Charge (PSC) has been increased from £10 to £15, Security Charges from £1.5 to $25 per departing and $25 per arriving passenger (and stop the manual collection of Securiport Charges at the airport),” the authority states in a statement signed by Director General Fansu Bojang.

Meanwhile, the Authority has also introduced a Passenger Safety Levy (PSL) of $5 per departing passenger and the charges shall be effective on 1st May, about 4 months later. The cumulative total of the new proposal amounts to $15 and £3.5.

“The introduction of this levy is meant to support the enhancement of aviation safety in the country through payment of The Gambia’s contribution to the Banjul Accord Group regional Safety Oversight Organisation (BAGASOO), which is a regional aviation safety oversight organisation driven by the mission to promote the highest safety standards among the Banjul Accord Group Member States,” the statement highlights.

“Passenger charges have remained constant for more than three decades. During this period, the airport has undergone significant transformation with massive infrastructure developments, not only aimed at modernising facilities/equipment for the enhanced safety, security and convenience of airport users but also in fulfillment of international standards and recommended practices,” it adds.

According to the Authority, the improvement works which were done in phases resulted in the construction of dual carriage road, airport perimeter fence, overlay of runway, remodelling of terminal building construction of a modern fire station and the installation of state-of-the-art equipment, amongst others.

The statement further notes: “Despite the giant strides registered, the airport is still contending with challenges which require huge capital outlays and immediate solutions. These include the replacement of DVOR, upgrading of electrical systems to ameliorate the insufficient power supply issues at the airport space constraints in the terminal and repairing of runaway to name a few.

“Taking into consideration these challenges and coupled with the desire to recover some of the costs of investments with a view to ploughing back to deliver better services, the Authority got permission from Government to review passenger charges.

“The review was done conscious of the need to continue providing services at all times but also mindful of the fragility of the industry, as well as the global economy and its potential impact on operators and passengers. Therefore, the proposed increment is relatively minimal and reasonable.”

The statement concludes with a pledge of unwavering commitment to customers to provide a conducive environment for operations and the offering of better services at the Banjul International Airport.