
Gambia records 15 new covid-19 cases

Jul 20, 2020, 11:49 AM | Article By: Arfang M.S. Camara

The Ministry of Health on Friday announced that the country has registered 15 new cases of covid-19, being the highest number of cases ever confirmed in a single day in The Gambia. This brings the country’s total number of infections to 93.

The country currently has 662 people under quarantine; 39 active cases, 3 probable cases and 4 deaths.

According to the Ministry of Health, the 15 new cases are 13 Gambians (9 males and 4 females), 1 Senegalese (7 months male child) and French man.

 “Seven local transmissions in hospital, 7 imported and one local transmission of the French national who hosted a sendoff party with 30 people.”

The ministry added that the new cases also include a deceased who was a Gambian, bringing to 4 the total number of covid-19 related deaths registered- a crude case fatality rate of 4.3.

“Of these, whereas 6 are nosocomial covid-19 cases from the 6 and 7 wards of the EFSTH, 1 is an orderly from the same ward”

The Health Ministry further said that the rest of the recent cases came into the country from locations with ongoing local transmission, adding that 15 patients recovered bringing the cumulative number of active cases to 40.

“At least 108 new laboratory test results received (1 from MRCG and 107 from NPLH), while 19 persons were newly taken into quarantine, 20 have been discharged. Of these, 15 are Gambian Islamic scholars who travelled from Saudi Arabia through Senegal and entered through the Amdalai Border Post.”

The Ministry of Health noted that over 80% confirmed cases were imported, adding that 66% of the confirmed cases are males.

“About 54% of the confirmed cases are below the age of 40. Two main waves of infection occurred – the pre and post airport closure waves. Within the last 20 days, there has been over a 50% increase in number of covid-19 cases reported by the country.”

In Senegal, the Ministry of Health yesterday reported 141 positive cases which brings the country’s total number of infections to 8,810, 5,948 recovered, 2,694 under treatment and 35 in critical situation.

In Africa, 683,953 cases were recorded with 14,359 deaths and 343,418 recovered.

In the world, 14,151,370 tested positive and 597,891 deaths.