The hosting of the OMVG apex body reaffirms The Gambia’s commitment to regional integration and sustainable socio-economic development as a founder member. The one-day summit brings together Heads of State and Government from the OMVG member countries of The Gambia, Republics of Guinea, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau.
The main objective of this meeting among leaders from these four West African countries is to renew the leadership of the OMVG highest decision-making bodies and the management of the Sambangalou Dam and the Power Transmission Network (SOGESART).
Saturday’s high-profile convergence is envisaged to witness the signing of three crucial Conventions:
- Convention on the legal status of the Kayanga/Geba Rivers.
- Convention on the legal status of the Koliba/Corubal Rivers and;
- Convention on the terms and conditions for financing OMVG common works.
Founded in 1978, OMVG plays a crucial role in promoting regional integration and addressing the shared challenges of energy access, agriculture, environmental conservation, and socio-economic development. Key projects include the development of hydropower plants like Sambangalou and Kaléta dams, and the interconnection of power grids to enhance energy access across member states.
Significantly, OMVG focuses on combating climate change and preserving ecosystems critical to improving the lives and livelihoods of our populations. It strengthens economic ties among member states, fosters regional stability, and enhances the well-being of millions within its jurisdiction. The Gambia remains steadfast in the promotion of regional cooperation and leveraging the potentials of The Gambia River Basin.
Banjul, The Gambia - 5 December 2024