The offence is in contrast to section 49A of the Motor Traffic Amendment act 2013.
Deputy superintendent Buteh Sawaneh and sub Inspector Jallow appeared for the Inspector General of Police (IGP).
The prosecution alleged that on the 4th day of January 2025, at Kafuta village, between 20:00hs and 20:30 hrs, the accused drove a motor vehicle with the registration number BJL 0217Q marked: M/Ben Min Truck in a reckless and dangerous manner, which caused the death of three (3) individuals namely: Hamidu Bojang a 27-year-old man, Abubacarr Demba a 38-year-old man Saffiyatou Touray a 14-year-old girl thereby committing an offence.
When the charge was read to him in the language he understood, he pleaded not guilty to the charge against him.
The prosecution made an application that the offence in which the accused is charged is a capital offence and that the prosecution was aware of the fact that the court can hear any offence except treason.
However, the prosecution referred the court to section 143 (1) of the 1997 Constitution which mandates the chief justice to establish a special criminal court that deals exclusively with capital offence to hear and determine cases of such nature, since the offence of murder is not bailable.
“In addition, Your Worship, I am applying that this case be transferred to the Special Division of the High Court pursuant to section 62 of the CPC and the accused person be remanded under section 208 (A) of the CPC pending arraignment before the Special Criminal Division,” the prosecution stated.
The Magistrate, therefore granted the prosecution's application, while ordering that the case be transferred to the special Criminal Division of the High Court, and the accused be remanded at Mile Two Central Prison.