While the troublemakers physically attacked a group of Christians celebrating Easter in Tallinding, another gang of bandits desecrated the sacred statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at Star of the Sea Parish in Bakau run by the Spiritan Congregation.
The Government is thoroughly investigating these spineless agitations against our interfaith orientations and those found wanting will be dealt with accordingly.
President Barrow admonishes all Gambians and residents, to continue nurturing the values, norms and culture of tolerance, peaceful co-existence our nation is known for globally. Mr Barrow reminds citizens that The Gambia remains a secular democracy with laws guaranteeing the fundamental human rights of all citizens among them pluralistic freedoms of worship regardless of one’s orientation.
It is therefore utterly criminal, for any person or persons to attack innocent worshippers or their places of worship regardless of their faith.
“My Government will not allow the destruction of our unique culture of religious tolerance and cohesiveness bequeathed to us by our forefathers. Zealots, fanatics or bandits masquerading as purists have no place in Gambian society”, Mr Barrow said.
Ebrima G. Sankareh
The Gambia Government Spokesperson & Presidential Diaspora Adviser