
BAC finance director details over D62,000 payment to ex-Governor

Jun 1, 2024, 4:42 PM | Article By: Ali Jaw

Alagie Jeng, the director of Finance at Brikama Area Council, Tuesday confessed before the Local Government Commission of Inquiry that they used to make payments not related to the council operation.

The BAC finance boss recalled that they gave former Governor Lamin Sanneh an amount of D62,720. He testified that the money was given to Abdoulie Bah, the driver of the ex-Governor of the West Coast Region.

“I know that he [the Governor] requested for it through the office of the CEO and it was granted. I did not object to it,” Jeng said.

The witness said the payment was outside the council’s work and it was inappropriate

“The governor was the boss. He was the head of the region. When he requested through the CEO, the CEO should pay him,” Jeng said, trying to rationalise the move.

Lead Counsel Patrick Gomez challenged him to cite the law that empowers the governor to request financial assistance from the council but none could be mentioned.

“It was not correct,” Jeng said.

Counsel Gomez told the witness any expenditure by the council has to be based on the budget and should be in line with the operations of the council. Therefore, he put it to Jeng that the “the payment was unlawful”.

“Yes, I know it was unlawful,” Jeng admitted.