
BAC did not support women gardeners – councilor

Sep 10, 2024, 10:12 AM

Isatou Tuki Nyassi, resident of Giboro Kuta who served as a nominated councilor for women gardeners, has alleged that throughout her tenure, the Brikama Area Council did not support women gardeners.

She alluded that the only form of support women gardeners received from BAC was a few bags of cement. She testified that she had raised the challenges of women gardeners in council meetings but to no avail.

She testified that she tried using her own means to get support for women gardeners. Nyassi lamented that she could not visit the women gardeners as she wanted because the council did not provide her mobility.

She however informed the Commission that she had visited some of the gardens on her own to know the conditions the women have to endure.

The former nominated councilor outlined that the gardeners have problems accessing water, getting adequate seeds, securing fertilisers, and many also lack perimeter fences.

She said that she reported her findings to the Council to support the women but “the Council did not support them”.

On the so-called honorarium paid during Koriteh and Tobaski, the witness said the payment was only made to support them during the festive periods. She testified that she did not know at the time that the payment was unlawful.