
Amir Trawally calls for global peace

May 28, 2024, 11:33 AM | Article By:   Sulayman Waan

Baba F. Trawally, the Amir for Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in The Gambia has called for maintenance of peace and stability in The Gambia and beyond to enhance social development.

Speaking during the opening of 46th Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat’s annual convention (Jalsa Salana) on Friday at Nusrat Senior Secondary School, Amir Trawally said: “It is our collective responsibilities as individuals and as a nation to champion the cause of peace not only in our country, but the sub-region and the world at large.”

“The government, religious leaders, community heads, family heads, and young people should all “push for peace” to always reign in the world and build a better future, a future that is full of hope and promise for this generation and the coming generation.”

He further said there cannot be peace without justice, noting that is why Allah Almighty admonished the world in the Holy Quran to act justly no matter how difficult a situation is.

 "We can see that Allah Almighty has placed a lot of emphasis on justice and it is because of this lack of justice that the world is facing a lot of problems and people are suffering in many parts of the world. If there is justice and people are treated justly, then we will all live in harmony and peace,” he preached.

“We should all live by and be just in all our dealings at every level of society and when that is done, we will surely see the progress we can make,” he said.

He thus prayed for Allah to continue blessing The Gambia with peace, harmony, tranquility, progress and prosperity and bless the country to continue nurturing that spirit of brotherhood and friendliness that she is known for.

He said: "His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Spiritual and Supreme Leader of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is continuously praying for the peace, progress, prosperity, protection and stability of The Gambia and her people.”  

Representing The Gambia government at the event, Ebrima Sillah, the minister of Transport, Works and Infrastructure, said the annual convention manifests the Jama’at’s commitment to spreading the teachings of Islam through tolerance with a deep sense of commitment to peace and harmony.  

He extended the government’s appreciation of the Jama’at’s contribution to nation-building. He said the numerous schools, health facilities and agricultural projects that the Jama’at is actively involved in is sufficient testimony of its “excellent work” towards national development.

“We have recognised and deeply appreciated the Jama’at’s tireless efforts in words and in action to preach and promote peaceful coexistence, religious tolerance, and harmony.”

“Your mantra ‘Love for All; Hatred for None’ is a strong, noble virtue that The Gambia is also passionate about in making our world a much safer place for humanity,” he said.