Following the Official Ceremony, Ambassador Jawara-Njai was received in audience by the UN Secretary-General. Exchanges during the audience centred on social and political development issues and matters relating to Regional Peace and Security in West Africa.
Discussions also covered present Governance and Security challenges in West Africa and the Sahel as well as the need for stronger Partnerships and Coordinated Actions to realise common development objectives and sustainable outcomes for the Region.
New York,
31st May 2023
Mrs. Kinza Jawara-Njai is a Gambian National with over 32 Years of experience in Public Administration, Diplomacy and International development. She holds a Masters Degree in International Political Economy from the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom and is a Former Permanent Secretary of the Office of the President of The Gambia. She has served in various capacities including Foreign Policy Adviser, Political Affairs officer and Economic Development Cooperation Officer in the Gambia’s Foreign Ministry and Office of the President rising steadily through the ranks within The Gambia’s Public Service. She has been in the service of ECOWAS Commission since 2008 serving as Principal Programme Officer and Head of Division in the Directorate of Free Movement and Migration heading the ECOWAS Cross-Border Cooperation Programme which works to strengthen cooperation and Regional Integration from below, promoting Peace and Security, sustainable livelihoods and Management of Migration and development. Prior to Joining ECOWAS, Mrs. Jawara-Njai served as an International Consultant for UNDP/UNIFEM in the Ministry of Gender and Social Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister of Rwanda, providing support to strategic planning actions mainstreaming Gender in Rwanda’s National Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS2).
Mrs. Jawara-Njai has worked extensively with International Development Partners in development cooperation and Partnership building at Local, National and Regional Levels and is keenly interested in Promotion of Regional Peace and Security, Migration and Development, Facilitating Gender and Youth Empowerment Programmes for sustainable livelihoods as well as establishing Regional Public Goods in Africa and Strengthening Good Governance and Regional Integration. Mrs. Jawara-Njai comes to the Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations with wide experience in Public Administration, Diplomacy and International development Cooperation.