
AfCFTA is a groundbreaking initiative: CG Darboe

Sep 25, 2024, 10:41 AM

The Commissioner General of the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), Yankuba Darboe, has said that the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) is a groundbreaking initiative designed to create a single market for goods and services across the African continent.

He made this remark at the official opening event of the AFCFTA seminar for customs officers organised by the Ministry of Trade at local hotel yesterday.

According to him, the forum is aimed at educating customs officials on their critical role in the successful implementation of the AfCFTA.

He said that The Gambia recognising the immense potential of this agreement, signed the AfCFTA in 2018 and ratified it in 2019.

“Since then, our government has been actively working to align our national laws and regulations with the provisions of the Agreement,” he said, citing the validation of National AfCFTA Implementation Strategy and the harmonisation of trade policies, procedures and regulations with AfCFTA.

CG Darboe also stated that the AfCFTA represents a historic milestone for the African continent, as it seeks to integrate the economies of all 55 member states into one continental market.

“Today’s seminar highlights the pivotal role customs officials and other border agencies play in making this vision a reality,” he said. “As gatekeepers of our borders, you are responsible for enforcing trade regulations, collecting customs duties, and facilitating the smooth movement of goods.”

“The success of the AfCFTA hinges on the efficiency and effectiveness of your work at the border posts and therefore the need to organise this workshop to sensitise border officers on the rules and procedures of the Agreement.”

CG Darboe also noted that the workshop “is designed to equip our customs officers and other security agencies present with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the AfCFTA and ensure its smooth operation.”

“By fully understanding the rules, procedures, and benefits of the AfCFTA, you will be in a better position to faclitate trade, reduce bureaucratic hurdles, and ultimately contribute to economic growth.”

“This workshop should serve as a platform for knowledge sharing and capacity building, laying the groundwork for the full implementation of the AfCFTA in The Gambia.”