He adduced that Alieu Jobe had already been identified to be the president if the coup was successful. He added that during that time, people already were aware about gross human rights violations, enforced disappearance, disregard of the Supreme law but many were afraid.
He expressed that when Alieu Jobe explained to him about the planned coup, he supported him.
The witness told the commission that when he travelled to Kenya, he met Sering Omar Faal – a follower of Sering Touba and lived in the same place with him in Kerr Sering. He added that they discussed about things that had happened in Gambia.
"I told him that I had a friend called Alieu Jobe who is an accountant general and had a relative in the army who wants to overthrow the government and he (Jobe) would become the president. The Sering replied to me that Jammeh's government will soon end because he saw Jammeh riding a bicycle and that was a clear indication that his government was to end."
He added that Alieu once took him to a marabout in Bogal, who gave them chains to bath with.
Deen told the commission that one day, Alieu informed him that the plan of the military personnel had failed because they were arresting them one after the other.
He added that Alieu was worried and trying how to get assistance from a marabout, saying that was the time he called Sering Faal to help them out of the situation.
"Upon arrival in his room, Alieu explained to him how worried he was. The Sering gave Alieu some chains to carry and said he would do some spiritual investigation about the soldiers. He asked us to go and come back later, which we did and the Sering informed Alieu to slaughter 3 rams as charity."
"The following day, I was told that Alieu was arrested; of which I informed the Sering. In a different conversation, I told him that I was selected by the government to go to Guinea Bissau and I needed clearance. I told the Sering to pray for me to have a safe journey."
"As I was in Bissau, someone came to me that he saw on television that Sering said I was the one that linked him with Alieu. That was when my world started crashing and I was scared."
He testified that after completing his presentation at the meeting, he dodged and went to the airport and told them that he had to leave because it was an emergency.
Deen continued that he was asked to sit and wait for Air Senegal, while adding that when the Air Senegal arrived, he saw Babucar Jatta and Yankuba Touray and it was very scary for him. He revealed he never wanted them to see him. He said he eventually got on board the flight to Dakar.
He told the commission that while standing at the airport in Dakar in the evening, a colleague from the Bissau meeting saw him and offered him shelter for the night.
The following day, he testified, that he called his wife to get his parked van to work commercially to gain them income because he couldn't return home. He added that the NIA went to his compound and collected the two vehicles.
He said as he speaks, the government is doing its best to investigate about his vehicles and he has been reinstated with his benefit paid to him.
"I was in Dakar for 34 months and I sought protection from the government of Senegal, and I sought asylum. When I went back to that office, I was told by the security that the leader of the Gambia Army, Lang Tombong Tamba was to find out from Madam Ann the list of Gambians who were given asylum to get them arrested. The mission of Tamba didn't materialise."
He added that the U.S. government later helped and took him to the U.S.
After the fall of Jammeh, he testified that he was later informed by someone that the mission of Baboucarr Jatta, Yankuba Touray, and a lot of armed Bissau Guinean militaries was to search for him, arrest him, tie him up and put him in a bag and taken to Banjul as ordered by Jammeh.