Below reads the letter dispatched to the presidency:
“It is with great sadness that we live the recent events that are shaking our dear Senegal and that have just taken away three of our young compatriots. We offer our deepest condolences to their families and loved ones.
We address you as former Presidents of the forr Republic of Senegal, fathers, with Leopold Sédar Senghor, of Senegalese democracy obtained from high struggle, but also former irreducible political opponents that we have vigourously opposed in the past. We have been able to discuss and dialogue in the interest of Senegal to put an end to our disputes and political crises, for the sole purpose of preserving peace and lives. You do not have the right to do less than us.
We call on our youth, whose frustrations and disarray we understand, to immediately stop violence and the destruction of property, and above all to take a step back so as not to be manipulated by external forces with obscure purposes.
We have just met at length on the phone with the President of the Republic, Mr. Macky SALL, who reaffirmed his commitment, made before the Nation on July 3, not to run for a third term and to leave power immediately after the presidential election.
He made a commitment to spare no effort to preserve Senegal's stability, we asked him to organise as soon as possible the national dialogue he announced and which, as we fervently hope, will have to lead to a broad national reconciliation in compliance with the Constitution and the rule of law.
We call on all political leaders, the power and the opposition, as well as civil society leaders, to participate in frank and loyal discussions, so that the next presidential election on December 15, 2024 will be held in perfectly transparent, inclusive and indisputable conditions. They have a duty to ensure that our Senegal will remain a model of democratisation for Africa. History will judge them.”