
What lies ahead as Barrow takes oaths! 

Jan 20, 2022, 12:50 PM

President-elect His Excellency Adama Barrow was yesterday sworn-in at a colourful ceremony held at the Independence Stadium in Bakau.

In attendance were several African Heads of State and Governments, foreign diplomats, security chiefs and thousands of his fans. 

 The inauguration comes following his landslide victory in the December 4th, 2021 presidential elections. Last December 4th free and fair polls is the first-ever since the ouster of long time dictator, Yahya Jammeh, who is accused of rights violation including extra judicial killings, torture, rape among other heinous crimes. 

 Having promised Gambians more infrastructural developments, youth employability and better pay for civil servants among a host of others, Barrow secured 53% of the total votes cast; while his arch rival and main challenger, lawyer Ousainou Darboe of the United Democratic Party (UDP) came second with 28%. 

 This is his second term in office, following his inauguration in 2017 under the coalition ticket. 

 As his first mandate under the National People’s Party (NPP), a party he founded last year, Barrow is faced with numerous challenges in repositioning the country’s dwindling economy to high cost of living. 

Surge in crime rate, high inflation rate, corruption and tribalism to national reconciliation are other burning national issues that require urgent action. 

 Affordable living condition is sine qua non in any country’s development. And the Gambia case leaves much to be desired. The unaffordable and unsustainable high cost of living in the country is alarming. 

 However, we shouldn’t forget that national development calls for collective effort. Again the case in The Gambia is not an exception. All citizens irrespective of our political affiliation, tribe and religion must play a part to make our development achievable. 

 The ambitious plans set out by Barrow’s government will be an elusive dream if Gambians don’t change their attitude. 

 There is this popular saying that ‘Rome was not built in a day’. Rome was built by none but the Romans. We have to dedicate and refocus our attention on making our country great. In doing that we should see ourselves as one big family and put the interest of the country first above all. 

The Gambia, despite its size, is a shining example among the community of nations thanks to its peaceful nature. 

Let’s nurture that spirit of oneness and togetherness to build a nation that will be an envy of the world. 

As Gambians, we have a lot to be proud of as a nation. From our rich cultural heritage, friendly and welcoming people to our beautiful coastline and bird species, is something that keeps tourists flocking to our shores in record numbers annually. 

“It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath.”
