
The Road to the State House!

Nov 2, 2021, 12:42 PM

The clock is ticking fast. Electorates in Gambia are waiting anxiously ahead of December 4th crucial presidential tie.

Over the weekend, the Independent Electoral Commissions (IEC) began accepting nominations for presidential aspirants ahead of the December 4th elections.

Already, some presidential aspirants have filed in their nomination papers and are awaiting approval from the electoral body. Suffice is to state that nomination is one of the most important electoral activities.

A total of 23 aspirants are expected to file in their nomination papers in this election, after the withdrawal of two aspirants.

Then, campaigns start in earnest by different political parties. However, what is interesting in this year’s election is the unprecedented number of aspirants vying for the Office of the President.

Therefore, December 4th 2021, will indeed be a decisive moment for Gambians to choose among the list of aspirants, for whom to occupy State House.  It will not be an easy road.

Meanwhile, this is the first-ever election after the ouster of brutal dictator, Yahya Jammeh. Globally, the advent of covid-19 pandemic has presented a challenging time for even developed countries, muchmore third world countries. Some governments received numerous criticism for its handling of the global pandemic and the challenges it presented. But the hard reality is that challenges faced by The Gambia are a similar one in any country across the globe.

Development is integral in any country. And people must bear in mind that no government can do it all.

It is hard to say that Gambians today are faced with numerous challenges from rising cost of living, high unemployment and surge in crime rates to corruption. The surge in crime rate calls for all hands on deck.

Security of the citizens is sine qua non in any development and for citizens to have trust in their own security, the government must live up to expectations. A significant number of Gambians feel not even safe in their own homes than outside. In a nutshell, Gambia has now turned to be a bastion for criminal syndicates from the sub-region. Government must ensure that there is a coordinated security approach to curtail criminal activities in the country.

To the electorates, your vote is your power. So you have to make that important decision on December 4th that will have a direct bearing in your and even your children’s life. We must always remember that The Gambia is the only country we have. Elections come and go, but our relationship is here to stay forever. Therefore, let’s come together and make it great.

“  Leadership is not about the next 

election, it’s about the next generation.”

Simon Sinek