
The Gambia: Overcoming the legacy of dictatorship and corruption!

Aug 21, 2024, 10:08 AM | Article By: EDITORIAL

The Gambia, a small country in West Africa, suffered through more than 20 years of dictatorship led by President Yahya Jammeh from 1994 to 2017. Throughout this time, governance systems weakened, and corruption became widespread.

President Jammeh's regime was marked by human rights abuses, including killings, witch hunts, corruption and forced labour. Suppression of opposition, torture, and mass executions created a climate of fear and impunity. Several institutions like the judiciary, media, and civil society suffered under draconian laws and decrees.

Corruption landscape in The Gambia improved slightly, but it remains a serious problem after the election of 2016. Allegations of corruption at all levels persisted, with state agencies accused of funneling money improperly. Patron-client networks close to the holders of public office engaged in grand and petty corruption with impunity.

Transitional Justice (TJ) mechanisms like the TRRC and the Janneh Commission has been inadequate, leading to a lack of accountability and trust in The Gambia. These mechanisms were meant to promote deterrence and transparency, but their effectiveness has been compromised by shortcomings in execution.

Therefore, a holistic approach is needed to address the link between TJ mechanisms and corruption, as they should work together to enhance accountability and prevent corrupt practices. Trials, truth commissions, reparations, amnesties, and purges are all tools that, if properly implemented, can contribute to accountability and corruption deterrence.

The lack of seriousness in enforcing decisions and the poor implementation of TJ mechanisms have impeded progress in The Gambia's journey towards justice and integrity. By adopting a comprehensive approach that addresses these gaps, The Gambia can work towards building a culture of integrity and accountability.

Overcoming the legacy of dictatorship, rebuilding governance structures, and fighting corruption are significant challenges that The Gambia must confront. Aligning TJ mechanisms with anti-corruption measures is essential for paving the way for a more promising and transparent future for the country.

In summary, The Gambia faces the challenge of overcoming the legacy of dictatorship, rebuilding governance structures, and combating corruption. A concerted effort to align TJ mechanisms with anti-corruption measures is crucial for a brighter future.