
People must change their attitude to work!

Nov 3, 2020, 10:56 AM

It is undeniable fact that employees both in the public and private institutions can be a company’s great asset.

In today’s ever-challenging working environment, companies are striving to gain a competitive edge by attracting and retaining the most talented employees.

Attitude to work forms a critical component to that regards. Attitude represents the beliefs, assessed feelings and behavioural intentions toward people, events or different objects. It refers to judgements and involves conscious logical reasoning.

It also creates a chain reaction and it starts from managers and leaders. Moreover, while a leader’s attitude affects his or her team, employees’ attitude affects the organisation’s customers and this can potentially have a negative fallout on the business’ success.

The office of Secretary General and Head of Civil Service has recently raised concern with the care free attitude of certain public officers, who are fond of coming to work late and leaving before official closing time.

The attitude by these public officers leaves much to be desired. Civil servants must change their attitude to work.

While many are in the habit of going to work late, some do not even care much about their work when they get there. This is a very unfortunate situation, and shows lack of patriotism.

We must understand that people are paid to work and by so doing, they are expected to work with total dedication and commitment.

In a recent memo sent to all permanent sectaries, the Office of SG condemned this care free attitude by these public servants and thus called on Heads of Department to address in accordance with General Order 12209 and Public Service Commission Regulation 46.

The Personnel Management Office has also been put on alert to carry out routine inspections of MDAs in this regard and report any MDA found wanting. Work ethics are important in any institutions. And set of rule governing work must be abided by.

Poor attitude to work always result to negative impact on productivity level of any institution.  Nevertheless, an organisation or institution cannot prosper well, succeed, grow or even survive without adequately addressing the issue of poor attitude to work.

"Do your work with your whole heart and you will succeed - there is so little competition."

Elbert Hubbard

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