
On Health minister’s visit to Cuba!

Aug 28, 2024, 9:16 AM | Article By: EDITORIAL

In this day and age, strengthening bilateral ties is not only important, but key in achieving meaningful results. While countries look out for strategic development partners far and wide, Cuba has stood beside The Gambia for many years. The ties which date back to years is one that symbolises friendship based on mutual trust and genuine partnership across a range of diverse fields.

From the academic fields to other capacity building initiatives, Cuba has offered and continues to award scholarships to a number of Gambian students, to study various diploma and degree courses in the Caribbean nation.

It is gratifying to state here that some of those who have successful courses in Cuba are now serving and contributing their quota to the country’s development endeavour. This alone speaks volume of the exemplary nature of these bilateral ties.  

In our Tuesday’s edition of The Point, we reported that the Minister for Health, Dr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh, is currently on a working visit to Cuba, the largest of the Antilles in the Caribbean.

The visit, according to officials, was aimed at expanding the historic collaboration in critical areas between the two sister countries.

Also, the visit would significantly help in sharing best practices and work towards improving the bilateral cooperation with new initiatives of mutual benefit. This, we believe, would greatly expand the already existing ties and collaboration in key areas of our development crusade.

Without a doubt, the Health Minister’s visit to this Caribbean nation is important in many ways. As nations race to meet the required progress as in line with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, it is important in view of the fact that many countries are on track with only 15 per cent of the targets. Therefore, leveraging South-South cooperation can help significantly in bridging this gap and ensure the attainment of this important agenda set for 2030.

In a nutshell, this mutual partnership and collaboration have paid tremendous dividends, as health experts from this Caribbean nation continue to serve and play a key role in strengthening Gambian health systems in all endeavours.

What is even worth noting is the fact that from major hospitals in The Greater Banjul Area to other health posts in the provinces, the government of Cuba continues to deploy a brigade of health professionals who serves the Gambian populace in tackling some of the most complicated ailments.

It is also important to note that The Gambia Cuba ties is an example for the rest of the globe.

We hope and pray that this visit yields dividends in strengthening cooperation in critical areas of development between the two countries.

In order to develop, The Gambia needs strategic partnership to help propel its development agenda. And this cannot be done without opening up more avenues for greater collaboration in vital fields.

We therefore commend the Minister for Health and through him the Government for the Gambia for conceiving that idea to embark on such an important visit to one of the largest Antilles in the Caribbean.