
On GRA staff motivation!

Feb 11, 2021, 11:09 AM

Creating a good working environment is an integral component in the development and success of any institution. This also enables staff to give out their best in yielding positive results.

For instance, institutions may have all the expertise in a variety of areas, but, if the staffs are not motivated, it's unlikely that they'll achieve their true potential.

It said that work seems easy when people are motivated, as motivated people have a positive outlook, they're excited about what they're doing, and they know that they're investing their time in something that is worthwhile. 

It is in the news that the board of directors and management of The Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) recently hit the road on field visit to its sub-offices within the Greater Banjul Area (GBA).

The tour was not only to gain first-hand information regarding the working conditions of their staff, but also to thank the staff for their hard work, commitment and professionalism that led to GRA achieving its set goals in 2020. The move is timely amid the corona virus pandemic affecting institutions and business across the globe.

It is important that from time to time staffs meet with top management and even board of directors of an institution. This would enable them to map out strategies all geared towards yielding positive output. Such meetings also avail the junior staff to highlight some of their constraints and find how best to address those constraints with immediate effect.

Let’s not forget that human resource development is key in the development of any institution. Because, the more people are motivated they more they want to go the extra mile.

In this day and age, all institution managers want their organisations to be filled with people in a positive state of mind. That is why it is vital that an institution keeps its team feeling motivated and inspired.

We therefore, commend the management and board of directors of GRA for their foresight and wise move. We equally call on the management to act fast on some of the constraints and recommendations that emanated during the course of the sub-office visits.

"Teamwork makes the Dream Work"


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