
GOOD MORNING MR PRESIDENT: Thoughtful approach to the streets clearing exercise

Nov 13, 2023, 11:07 AM

Mr President, the recent days have been marked with a robust exercise to clear the streets of illegal market stalls and roadside selling, which have congested the roads in the urban areas.

The illegal erection of trading stalls and street trading have been causing too much discomfort for pedestrians as well as for vehicles leading to so many avoidable accidents and loss of lives on our roads.

It should be noted that this essential exercise is being carried out professionally by a team of officers from the security forces, Physical Planning Department and the National Roads Authority.

Mr President, it is good that the exercise is carried out accordingly because it is geared towards safeguarding lives as well as maintaining a serene environment.

The operation, which started last month, also targets street vendors, car parks and work shops that encroach the roads.

While this exercise is commendable, there are many informal traders it has adversely affected, as they earn their livelihoods from street trading and the sales structures that have been demolished.

This set of the informal business sector was also source of revenue and income for the government through municipal and GRA taxes.

Government should therefore find a solution to their situation, since those economic activities were the sources from which they earn their daily bread and means of paying school fees for their children and take care of family needs.

We would nevertheless bring it to the knowledge of all that our sister country Senegal has followed suit by introducing the same street clearing service policy.

Mr President, another point of note is that the traffic police should redouble their efforts to minimise traffic jams, especially in the morning, which makes people go to work late, as well as in the evening when people are returning home.

Finally, Mr President, the maiden Saudi Summit which is currently on in Riyad is well conducted.

The summit should consider supporting strategic sectors of development in African countries, such as water, electricity, roads, agriculture, health, education, and security. Such a support by the Saudi government, Mr President, would be a step in the right direction, even as other Arab countries are to be encouraged to likewise give a helping hand to African countries in the spirit of humanity.

Good day!

The Point Editorial

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