
GTSC embraces digitalization!

Jul 31, 2024, 10:02 AM | Article By: EDITORIAL

Ensuring effective and efficient transport is key in any development. Thus, transport sector forms an integral component and essential part of the industrial and social infrastructure. As a rapid and fast evolving global tech and innovation is taking shape globally, digital innovation offers many opportunities for the expansion of various sectors especially the transportation sector.

Many experts agree that all other development initiatives are meaningless without effective and efficient transport infrastructure. This sector not only allows people to move freely, but also shortens turnaround time especially on important undertakings.

In Tuesday’s edition of The Point, we ran an article in which The Gambia Transport Service Company (GTSC) disclosed plans to introduce a new digital travel card system to substitute the local tickets used in the transportation service.

Suffice it to state here that the government of the Gambia is now giving priority to the teaching of science, innovation and technology, which it believes is critical to the transformation of the continent.

The card dubbed- ‘Taamo’ is a smart traveling card which is an initiative designed to digitalise and lessen the usage of hard currency within The Gambia Transport Service Company (GTSC), thus lessen the inconvenience of customers who may run out of cash at any point in time.

This move is timely and important. In this day and age, it is important we join the tech innovation that is taking shape or be left out of the development terrain.

This new digital scheme, according to officials, is a digital card preloaded with cash to pay for transport fares in order to secure the safety of passengers and ease payments with convenience, safety and affordability. However, in any development undertakings, it is important to carefully study the country’s population dynamics to be able to suit the needs of the people. Since it is a national initiative, how sustainable is this venture? Will all the people be able to use this new initiative?

GTSC is a national bus company that operates in almost all corners of the country. However, in this reality, the company should also reason that it is not all customers that are digitally literate?

What measures did it put in place to address other categories of the populace, who are illiterate?

The effective delivery of innovative science and technology solutions is critical to reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 and eradicate poverty in Africa.

Africa in the recent past is undergoing tremendous development in key areas with tech and innovation inclusive.

We only hope that this new innovation will last and better serve the populace.

Let’s always remember that technology and innovation is vital in advancing the wellbeing of millions of households including farmers.

To this end, we commend the management of GTSC for their foresight and innovation to be part of the digital revolution taking shape. We equally appeal to customers to maintain patience because transitioning is not an easy undertaking. But with time, many would adjust to the new development thus embracing digital innovation.