
Good Morning Mr. President: The second wave of COVID-19 is at neighbour’s

Dec 14, 2020, 11:51 AM

Mr. President, our next door neighbour, Senegal is now facing the second wave of COVID-19 which should draw our attention here in The Gambia.

It’s a fact that The Gambia and Senegal are like room and a parlor. The Senegalese media reported last week the second wave of COVID-19, one female member of the parliament who contracted the virus died last week whilst other three got contaminated with two of them in serious condition.

Mr. President, the Senegalese Ministry of Interior has ordered the closure of some places with no social activities, mask wearing and physical distancing are mandatory. Senegal has registered 17,075 positive cases and 349 deaths from March 2020 up to yesterday. 

The Gambia should not relent but should take precautionary measures to avert the possibility of the second wave of COVID-19.

Health authorities and the police should make sure that people comply with the WHO regulations especially the wearing of masks and social distancing.

Mr. President, your government should always take the lead in the fight against illegal migration which is becoming very rampant amongst the youths of Gambia and neighbouring Senegal.

Everything must be done to make sure we fight for youth not to take the ‘backway’ which is dangerous for their lives and always result in many deaths.

Mr. President, the securities of both The Gambia and Senegal should work hand-in-hand to eliminate this menace. For the past two months, over 500 youth have perished in the water as a result of lack of fuel in their boats which caused explosion of the boats.

The security of the two countries should monitor the Karang borders where some agents are believed to smuggle the youth to go by boats to Europe after paying large amounts of money, according to reports.


Mr. President, since the youth are the majority of our population and the future leaders of the country, your government should provide more skill centers and free education to enable them to stay in the country.

More sensitisations should be made by the media, youth groups and civil societies to discourage the youths from embarking on this perilous journey; (backway) which most of the time could lead to high mortality in the sea.

Finally Mr. President, we commend the police for arresting four notorious armed robbers at Brusubi last week who were ex-convicts and also striping off the two security officers their responsibilities as they were sleeping when the judge's compound was attacked by armed robbers.

Police should be provided the necessary assistance to accost criminals.

This shows that the police need more motivation and equipment to continue their work because without security, the country cannot live in peace.

Good day!