
Good Morning Mr. President: On war, cost of living, fishing industry & land dispute

Feb 28, 2022, 11:10 AM

Mr. President, the war between Russia and Ukraine which started last Thursday should be of great concern to the whole world especially Africa; cost of living could be higher because Russia is a major producer of oil, gas and wheat in the world.

The barrel of oil which was US$74 since 2014 is now US$100 since Friday due to the effects of war.
With the increment of oil, goods and basic commodities could be high too as well as wheat
which will reflect on the prices of bread.
Mr. President, Africans studying in Ukraine are stranded, the African Union should be assisted by the European Union to evacuate them.
The war between Russia and Ukraine will have a negative impact on our economies.
Mr. President, Ramadan will be here in one month – April 2, 2022, according to calendars. Businesspeople, especially shopkeepers and market vendors are fond of increasing their merchandise during the Holy Month. The government should avert their plans and take strict measures. We cannot allow them to sell basic commodities at their will. Life is very hard for everybody because prices
of basic commodities keep increasing daily.
This cannot continue as the government should introduce tough measures to eliminate this menace.

Mr. President, your government should pay attention to the fishing industry of this country. As promised during your presidential campaign, you have to revamp the fishing sector because it is one of the most lucrative industries this country can boast of. Since this sector is mainly controlled by foreigners, your government should step up its efforts to help boost coastal areas of this country by initiating projects that would elevate the economic status of these fishing areas as well as the country.

Finally Mr. President the Commission of Lands should be reactivated as currently there are several cases at the courts.
The Ministry of Lands should intervene in the burning issue at Kombo Central – a land scuffle between inhabitants of Busura and Talokoto over the 118 hectares of land.
This can bring trouble and in fact, it is a disaster waiting to happen. Therefore, a mechanism should be put in place to avoid the unfortunate.
Social Security should be encouraged and assisted to continue to allocate lands to workers which could be a big motivation for them.

Good day!

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