
Good Morning Mr. President-elect: On TRRC findings, reparations & covid-19

Dec 28, 2021, 2:53 PM

Mr. President-elect the findings on criminal liability from the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC), as part of their report, the Commission has ​made a number of findings on human rights violations.

The minister of Justice on Friday invited dignitaries and the media for the distribution of the findings of TRRC report.
Those named in the report for abuse of human rights have been​ given 14 days to apply for amnesty from the Commission.

Mr. President-elect, those who have committed crimes with ample evidence should not be granted​amnesty and should face full force of the law.

Mr. President-elect, the victims are still awaiting the reparations with the full amount promised, although the government has promised D150 million Dalasi to compensate the victims. Many people suggested that with the sales of Jammeh's properties, part of the money should be given to the victims. Majority of the victims cannot afford medical bills, school fees and fish monies and therefore because of all these sufferings, Jammeh should face justice without mercy.

Mr. President-elect, on COVID 19, the Ministry of Health should​ continue to strengthen surveillance at the points of entry following the reports of the omicron variant elsewhere. In addition, the Ministry of Health should​ strengthen Risk Communication and Community Engagement to increase awareness on the virus and as well increase Covid-19 vaccine uptake across the country.

The Ministry of Health should provide resources in the area of public sensitisation to increase awareness on Covid-19 and as well increase Covid-19 vaccine uptake.

The Ministry of Health should educate​ the public to continue observing the WHO rules,​ precautionary measures which include: regular handwashing with soap and water, wearing of facemask, physical distancing and vaccination. As the Covid-19 vaccination coverage is still low across the country, the public is hereby advised to take the Covid-19 vaccine which is safe and effective and it will significantly help to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the country. The public should endeavour to ignore the fake news, rumours and misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine.

Finally Mr. President-elect, the Ministry of Health should focus its attention and support on the area of risk communication and community engagement to increase awareness on Covid-19 vaccine uptake.

Good day!