
Good Morning Mr. President: “A word for a wise is quite sufficient” 

Jan 4, 2021, 11:37 AM

Mr. President – Mr. Bus Driver. The year 2020 was a turbulent and challenging one straddled with the advent of the Covid-19 Pandemic which greatly impacted the economy, with the icing on the cake as governance and constitutional crisis that derailed The Gambia’s reform agenda.

It was not all gloomy though as gains were registered in some areas. We applaud you for the positive gains but implore you to transit from a ‘regime change’ to a ‘system change’ in our governance architecture.  

Mr. President, as the year has ended and we have been ushered into a new year, we urge you to focus more on your national development agenda as you set your eyes on the prize to Destination in 2021.  We have heard you recently during your Dialogue with the People’s Tour, inviting Gambians to join your bus to Destination in 2021 BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!

As a bus driver, you should be watchful of your conductors otherwise your bus will be filled with unscrupulous passengers who will not meet their obligations to sustain the operation of the bus. You will end up disappointed when you reach Destination 2021 only to realise that your conductors did not do a good job. 

Mr. President, Youssou Ndour, a renown Senegambian Musician in one of his revered songs “Ligaye” – Wollof word for hard work (which is your mantra) noted among other things “a day that has come and gone will never come again.” The year 2020 is on its pedestal agape. There will never be another year 2020 to eternity. 

Mr. President, you should reflect on the past year 2020 and make 2021 a memorable year in the socio-economic development of our dear country. 

You are the bus driver – so you said. But your bus is filled with political sycophants, bootlickers, opportunists, and pickpockets. It’s time for you to thoroughly separate the chaff from the grains as you have to produce a good harvest in reaching destination 2021. 

Mr. President, we wish you a successful new year as you steer the affairs of the state and pray that the current year 2021 will be a year of reflection, tolerance, and reconciliation. Remember the words of Caesar to his one-time friend later turned adversary – MARCUS BRUTUS. In politics, it is about interest and your "trusted friends" maybe your future adversaries. This is not rocket science. It is an everyday reality. 

Finally, Mr. President, we appeal to you to tell the police not to stop traffic flow for a long time when you use the road. This disrupts people’s daily activities. Stopping the traffic for a long while is not a good idea because there are sick people and people with appointments who urgently need to reach their destination.

We take this opportunity to wish our readers, and advertisers a prosperous New Year. Through them, we continue our leadership in the market. We wish to take this opportunity to thank our readers including you for having recognised us as the most authoritative and credible newspaper in the country.

It’s important to note that The Point is the only paper in The Gambia that has won international awards- we’ve won five international awards - at different times, from Germany, Australia, South Africa, Zambia and the U.S. 

Good day!

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