
GOOD MORNIN: PRESIDENT On Legislative  Election & Judiciary 

Apr 11, 2022, 11:47 AM

Voters have spoken loud and clear in electing their representatives to the parliament whom they believe can defend their national interests.

Your party, the National People’s Party (NPP) failed to perform as expected and this could be due to three factors: Your party failed to select the right candidates for nomination – you were wrongly advised in selecting the wrong candidates which led to the 85 Independent candidates and the Foni crisis which resulted in thousands of people leaving their homes to find refuge in peaceful areas as well as the increase in the cost of living.

You have a majority but not absolute majority to govern the country. Your party won 18 seats while the main opposition party UDP won 15 seats, APRC led by Tombong Jatta won 2 seats,

The NRP of Hamat Bah won 4 seats, PDOIS 2 seats, and 12 Independent candidates from 85 aspirants.

Mr. President, the results showed that people are strengthening democracy. The turnout was very low because of the Ramadan and people were not sensitised enough on the role of members of parliament.

You will, however, nominate five members plus 6 seats from your alliance. We pray that those elected and those who will be nominated will perform well at the new Assembly. We expect that the new MPs would examine and enact laws which will be beneficial to all Gambians.

Mr. President, enact bills to abolish draconian media laws, set up Anti-corruption Commission, toughen laws against people misusing social media.

Review certain laws which have existed since colonial days.

The parliamentary and presidential elections should be conducted the same day as it was during the First Republic to reduce cost and increase participation.

Mr. President, we expect that the 53 elected MPs will always defend the problems of their electorates.

We expect the new MPS will vote before 2026, the two-term limit which will help the president and make it retroactive for him and dissuade a third mandate. This will help stability and peace. 

For the new Cabinet Mr. President, you will have to consider regions, tribes, faith: Muslims or Christians, work experience, integrity, medical report and declaration of assets. We can look forward to very interesting discourse in the new legislature.

There will be appointed and reappointed ministers both male and female appointment of ambassadors, MDs. People should be appointed on merits.

Mr. President, equally important for you in the new term is to support the Judiciary of The Gambia. Mr. President, the Judiciary sits at the heart of Justice dispensation in The Gambia. As such, without an effective and efficient judiciary, there will be no justice dispensation. The Judiciary is faced with challenges in executing its function as laid down in the Constitution and other laws of The Gambia. Your administration should ensure that the Judiciary is given support to ensure that the quality of services and professionalism of the Gambian Justice Sector is improved. This includes provisions of effective tools needed by judicial officers, and technical and substantive training for Judges, Magistrates, Clerks and other judicial officials to better carry out their duties. In all of this, the government should also endeavour to decentralise opportunities for the judiciary and judicial staff. To that effect, more buildings should be provided for the judiciary across the country.

Mr. President, there is also a need for a Director of Public Prosecution at the Ministry of Justice, more qualified State prosecutors and incentives for both Judges and State Prosecutors .

Mr. President, we commend your role in ensuring that Gambians have an independent judiciary under the leadership of Chief Justice Hassan B. Jallow that is capably of ensuring a fair administration of Justice unlike the judiciary during Jammeh’s regime

Good day! 

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