
Biri Biri, 1948- 2020!

Jul 21, 2020, 9:55 AM

“Kunlu-nafsin dhaa ikatul mawt” - every living soul shall indeed taste death.

Fans all over the world are mourning the death of Alhagie Momodou Njie alias Biri Biri, a Gambian football legend, whose passing was announced on Sunday in Dakar, Senegal after losing a battle with a long illness. 

Born in Perseverance street in Banjul in 1948, Biri Biri was described as one of the greatest football players The Gambia has ever produced. He died at the age of 72.

It was during his secondary school days that his talents were first discovered. And before long, he had proven himself to be an exceptional star, making him fans’ favorite. He is widely credited for his incredible dribbling talents and an acute sense of space and goal making.

Therefore, the Gambia and indeed his fans across the globe have been shaken by the news of the untimely demise of the former Gambian football legend.

Biri Biri, who has long been regarded as one of the greatest Gambian football players of all time, made 109 appearances for Sevilla FC in Spain  between 1973 and 1978, registering 34 goals to his name out of which 14 were described as ‘crucial’ to Sevilla’s heroic promotion to the top tier of Spanish football in the 1974/75 season.

In addition to his football achievements, Biri played for the National Team from 1963 to 1987, the year he retired, a record in the history of Gambian soccer. During this period, he served the National Team with utmost sincerity and dedication.

Going by his track records, Biri Biri has also proven to be real patriot by all indication, as we heard of some instances when he would pay his own airfare and never got a refund from the state when the national team was in action.

This show of patriotism clearly speaks volumes of his love for The Gambia and something that kept him excelling in international football during his active days. With dedication and his self-comportment, he was able to contribute a great  deal towards the development of Gambian and African football in general.

He was admired for his determination and dedication to whatever he did. Having played for several clubs in EU, he managed within a short space of time to build an admired huge fans’ base thanks to his ingenuity and creative skills.

To round it up, Biri Biri inspired greatness and for that he will be deeply missed. He is a great legend that many young aspiring talents around the world would look up for inspiration.

He is gone though, but his legacy will forever live on. Adieu, Biri Biri till we meet again!