
Agric Mechanisation is the way forward!

Jun 8, 2021, 12:03 PM

Governments, development practitioners and private companies across Africa have rediscovered agricultural mechanisation as a top priority.

Yet, achieving food security in an environmentally sustainable way is one of the greatest challenges facing the continent. Any efforts towards accelerating the country’s quest for improving food security, uplifting income status and reducing hardship among rural farmers, is indeed a welcome move.

Notwithstanding, policies must be selected and aligned with appropriate technologies to be able to lead to sustainable development of agricultural production. It is no hidden secret how most countries in the twenty-first century face when it comes to challenges to feed their growing population, reduce poverty, and protect the environment in the face of climate change.

It is in the news that President Adama Barrow on Monday presented tractors and other advanced farming implements to farmers’ organisations, youth and women groups across the country. The items are said to be worth 170,000,000.

The advanced farming materials are used for tilling, ploughing, harvesting, threshing and land preparation among other agricultural purposes to ease the work of farmers. 

As countries change tactics, especially in the way they approach agriculture, it is also time to adapt to this changing trend.

Addressing the launch of this ambitious initiative, President Barrow informed that the country’s agric sector has embarked on a transformation programme geared towards modernising and mechanising crop and livestock production and processing.

In fact, the programme, he went on, has been captured in the 2018/21 National Development Plan as well reflected in the second generation Gambia National Agriculture Investment Plan to ensure food and nutrition security in the country.

Moving forward, for any nation to make considerable inroads as far as agric development is concerned, private sector participation is key. Governments must work with more private businesses to achieve positive results.

To this end, President Barrow assured that his government will work with private businesses in the agricultural sector to yield positive results.

We therefore called on stakeholders to work unanimously to ensure successful implementation of this ambitious initiative.

Importantly, any penny invested to procure these items will not only reach the targeted beneficiaries, but also reflect in the crop production, productivity and enhance their livelihood.  

"Agriculture was the first occupation of man, and as it embraces the whole earth, it is the foundation of all other industries."


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