Youth Innovation Network Gambia Chapter (GYIN Gambia) is a national youth
network operating across the country and has been implementing a number of
youth projects in the country.
Youth Innovation Gambia chapter, in conjunction with its partners such as
National Youth Council, will organize a youth Award set for 29 April
2017at Agricultural Rural Farmers
Training Centre in Jenoi, Lower River Region (LRR).
July 24-31 2016, GYIN Gambia organised and hosted its first national youth
summer camp known as the Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Information
Technology (ELIT 2016) summer camp in which 45 rural youths ( 26 females and 19
males) participated .
idea for the first ever Rural Youth Award-RYA stemmed from recommendations from
that National Youth Summer Camp held in Jenoi, Lower River Region of The
Gambia, and was supported by the National
Land and Water Management Development Project (Nema). One of the 11-point
recommendations is to organise a Rural Youth Award- celebrating youth in
Entrepreneurship, Agribusiness and Information Technology.
Rural Youth Award will serve as a platform to celebrate the success, motivate
and inspire rural youth in the value chain. It will support them to become
self-reliant as a value chain investment through coaching, mentoring, business
development, advisory and asset accumulation for enterprises.
Agricultural Rural Farmers Training Centre in Jenoi, Lower
Region (LRR)