Following the conviction of Mr. Femi Peters, the Campaign Manager of the United Democratic Party (UDP) for holding a rally without permission and being in possession of loudspeakers, the
Below is the full text of the release:
"The United States Government is deeply concerned by the recent conviction and sentencing of the Campaign Manager, Femi Peters, of the United Democratic Party, after being accused of holding a rally without permission and being in possession of loudspeakers in a public place without permission.
Mr. Peters's sentence of one year in prison is extremely harsh, and could be contrary to The Gambia's obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the African Charter on Human and People's Rights.
As current chair of the African Union's Human Rights Commission, the Government of The Gambia should act in accordance with its responsibility as a standard bearer on matters of political freedom and civil liberties, as well as its international obligations and reconsider this unfortunate decision."