Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and
guarantees of non-recurrence Mr Fabián Salvioli, will conduct an official
country visit to the Gambia from 20 to 27 November 2019 at the invitation of
the Government.
purpose of the visit is to assess measures taken by the authorities in The
Gambia in the areas of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of
non-recurrence - the four pillars of the Special Rapporteur’s mandate - that
have been adopted to address the serious human rights violations committed
during the previous regime, seeking to have a broad view of the various
initiatives taken, identify good practices, gaps and shortcomings and formulate
recommendations in that regard. The Special Rapporteur will adopt a
constructive and supportive approach and make practical public policy
observations and recommendations.
his visit, the Special Rapporteur will meet with state authorities, various
non-governmental organizations dealing with issues related to his mandate and
with representatives of international or regional organizations, the diplomatic
community, victims, and civil society. He will also conduct a field visit to
places relevant to his mandate.
the end of his visit, the Special Rapporteur will also hold a high-level
briefing with the Government of The Gambia to share his preliminary findings
and present his end of mission statement and a press conference at which he
will share his initial observations with the media. The outcome of this mission
is the submission of a report on his country visit to The Gambia to the 45th
session of the Human Rights Council, in September 2020. The report will set
out, analyse the Special Rapporteur’s impressions during the visit, and make
recommendations to the Government and other actors on measures needed to
adequately address past violations.
release on behalf of the United Nations Resident Coordinator for The Gambia,
Ms. Seraphine Wakana said