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UK,US launch Business Center

Jun 8, 2012, 1:15 PM | Article By: Yusuf Ceesay

The British High Commission in Banjul in partnership with the Embassy of the United States of America yesterday launched a business center located at a place called Sahel in Bijilo village.

The UK-US Business Center is aimed at promoting business and entrepreneurship in The Gambia.

Speaking on the occasion, the British High Commissioner to The Gambia, David Morley, said the initiative was a joint project between the US Embassy and British High Commission.

He added that the objective is to establish a business center in The Gambia for entrepreneurs and visiting business people.

Part of his job is to promote British industry and commercial interests first and foremost in The Gambia, Morley pointed out.

“It is an opportunity for business people to use the resources to further their own interest,” said the British envoy.

Cindy Gregg, Charge de Affaires at the US Embassy in Banjul said this was a project they have been working on for several months, and that the center will provide entrepreneurs and business people with ideas on how to do a business plan and marketing.

She mentioned that the University of The Gambia did express interest in working with young entrepreneurs, and getting their business started as well as helping them to maintain the business. 

The US diplomat further noted that they want people to use the center, when they have business seminars, speakers in town, business people visiting, among others.

“This center is here for you to use free of charge. We have computers, television, and a wonderful sitting room,” she announced.

Also speaking at the ceremony was Abdoulie Baks Touray, president of the America Corner, who encouraged young people to visit the American Corner and make use of the facilities available.

“The desire to have a business center were business people can come and interact and, more importantly, to give the opportunity to business men and women to network, to mentor young ones. The best we could do is to provide the Sahel recreational facility to house the center,” said Baks Touray.

He said he was happy when informed by the US embassy that they will do this in collaboration with the UK embassy.

According to him, the major threat to our humanity is poverty, and the only way to fight poverty was to create wealth. “Wealth is only created through entrepreneurship,” he added.

MDG1 talks about poverty and MDG8 talks about partnership, Touray noted.

 “This is a clear manifestation that we are doing our bit in terms of meeting the goals, as far as MDG1 and MDG8 are concerned,” he declared.

Mr Touray went on to call on people to invest in themselves and their minds, noting the US-UK business center gives the opportunity to people to invest in their minds.

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