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The Sacrament Of Confirmation in The Church

Jun 29, 2016, 12:46 PM | Article By: FR. EDU GOMEZ - Parish of the Resurrection, Brikama

The Church has sacraments which are celebrated or conferred on her membership. This varies from Baptism, the sacrament of life and entry into the Christian Community. The sacrament of Confirmation is one of the seven which has been seen celebrated by Christians in the Gambia and universally.

A Sacrament is a sign which is carried out in Church to its members but with the faith and understanding of the presence of God’s grace and power transforming the individual to another status in the Christian life. In confirmation which is generally conferred on the candidates by the Bishop, the candidates by lying of hands and prayer receives the Holy Spirit. Just as on the first Pentecost event with the Apostles (Acts 2:1-11). The Holy Spirit comes to the candidates and fills them with His gifts and fruits. Among the gifts are Fortitude, Knowledge, Courage, Fear of the Lord, Piety etc.

The candidates of confirmation become transformed to take their rightful status to be mature adults witnessing to their life in Christ. They receive the mandate to stand for Christ by word and by example. The Apostle Paul refers to these kind of peoples as ambassadors of Christ. The obligations of a confirmed person are to safe guard their faith in Christ, not to betray Jesus for any material and worldly motive. They are to also serve Christ in the Church in respective ways, by becoming readers in Church, Ushers Members of the Youth Groups, Women’s Groups, Catechists or even seek Vocation in the Priesthood and Religious life. 

Bishop Ellison in confirming 52 Candidates in Brikama on Sunday, 26th June 2016, encouraged the candidates not to be complacent because the Christian life means commitment and being active. He used an analogy during his homily to say that the candidates should not be mere passengers been driven but they should be their own drivers, driving their vehicle of the Christian life. They no longer should wait to be told about their responsibilities. It is a song, “I follow Christ “. The song says I follow Christ with all my heart to spread the gospel everywhere. The young person confirmed should be active about his or her faith to proclaim Jesus as Lord in word and in deed.   

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