#Article (Archive)

The Point clocks 19

Dec 15, 2010, 11:12 AM

Tomorrow, Thursday 16th December 2010 will mark the 19th anniversary of the founding of The Point newspaper, which was established in 1991.

Despite the fact that it has been facing a series of challenges, especially last year, which obviously affected our work, the paper remains committed to its traditional role of informing, educating and entertaining the Gambian people and non-Gambians alike.

Founded by the late Deyda Hydara, the late Baboucarr Gaye and Pap Saine, The Point newspaper has, no doubt, grown in size and quality, while providing employment for many young Gambians, over the years.

However, as journalists, we are very much concerned about the environment in which we operate.

Journalists are generally perceived as troublemakers, which should not be the case. It is through our activities that the world gets to know what is happening, where, why and by whom.

We keep the world going by providing truthful information. Because the truth is sometimes difficult to swallow, those who at times engage in dubious deals, or fear transparency and accountability, brand us as troublemakers or even enemies.

To be sure, there would be chaos around the world without journalists, as people wouldn’t know what is happening next door. Despite all these, the reward we get from certain corners is very discouraging, but will never dampen our spirits.

As an independent newspaper, we would continue to give every Gambian the opportunity to express their views, irrespective of their political affiliation, religion, social status, or gender.

We would continue to serve as an alternative source of quality, reliable and authoritative information, in this country and about happenings in this country, for Gambians and our readers in general at home and abroad.

As Gambians, you can always rely on us for publication of divergent views without fear or favour. Despite many constraints, we will continue to give our best in the interest of Freedom of Expression and Democracy.

While we mark this day, we use the time to remember our co-founder, the late Deyda Hydara, whose 6th anniversary of passing away will also be commemorated tomorrow, for the selfless sacrifices he made for this country.

We pray that the Almighty Allah reward him abundantly for his work for a free press everywhere, and the good work he has done for The Gambia. Amen!


We have changed over the years, but the sparkle in our eyes is as bright as ever, and our love for you is seen stronger”.
