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The nation’s development is my concern - AfricMed CEO

Oct 20, 2014, 10:21 PM | Article By: Adama K. Jallow

(Friday October 17, 2014 Issue)

The CEO/Managing Director of AfricMed clinic has spoken of the need to develop The Gambia in the various sectors which are of great interest to Gambians and people living in the nation.

He also expressed the wish that Gambians studying abroad, after the completion of their studies, return home and help contribute their quota to the development of the nation.

AfricMed clinic CEO/Managing Director Dr. Omar Jagne spoke in an interview during the inauguration of the new AfricMed clinic building in Brusubi aimed at improving healthcare service delivery in The Gambia.

Dr. Jagne upon his return from abroad has been engaged in ensuring a quality health delivery to his people, with the motivation of sharing his experience and knowledge gained with the people for quality health care.

Jagne, who declined all offers for him to stay and work in Europe, after the completion of his studies, decided to return and share his experience and knowledge for the improvement of his nation, which he achieved through dedication, hard work, discipline and conviction.

“My motivation has always been to come back to The Gambia to work with my people and help them, because I had the privilege to work in highly developed societies and environments; and comparing them to where we are, I felt the need to come back and start the basis, which is significant so that the young ones can emulate us for the development of the country,” he revealed.

He pointed that they wanted to start something on a good foundation, which the young ones could build from.

“This is a developing country. While I was in the UK I go to the hospital and do my work; but here you have to start from scratch with the establishment of the lab, theatre which are available in Europe.”

He added that his plan is to continue what he has started, such as training of staff and to get appropriate diagnostic equipment to help them with the training of staff to improve diagnostics and provision of service to the people.

He talked about ethics; about how to approach people and communication skills which he believes could be developed over time with proper and regular training.

He pointed out the significance of the availability of basic medical equipment such as a basic laboratory among others, where basic tests such as urine, hemoglobin, sugar and malaria status which he said should be made available in any health facility.

He hopes to get AfricMed clinic developed to a level where those basics could be covered, and into a center where they can train other people.

“With the provision of 24-hour service with fully-equipped equipment and the training of staff, we don’t charge fees for the vaccination of children and children consultation fee is less. We are self-supporting, we use the proceeds gained to develop and for the payment of other services offered by the clinic,” he pointed out, when asked about the charges.

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